Shift Equivalence Testing of Polynomials and Symbolic Summation of Multivariate Rational Functions

Supplementary material to the paper by Shaoshi Chen, Lixin Du, and Hanqian Fang.

Maple Implementation:

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We compared the algorithm SET_ADP_expansion and SET_ADP_derivation in our paper to the algorithms by Grigoriev, Kauers et al. and Dvir et al.

The multivariate polynomials we tested are of the form
          f(x), g(x)=f(x+a)+dis(x),
where x is a vector of n variables, a is a vector over integers, f is a polynomial with degree d and t terms, and dis is a polynomial with degree d'.

The table below shows the timings (in seconds) we got in which:

Timings were taken on a Windows 11 home computer with 128GB RAM and 3.7GHz Intel(R) core(TM) i9-10900K processors.

n t d d' G KS DOS
3 10 10 8 <0.001 0.125 0.016
3 10 10 5 0.454 0.203 <0.001
3 10 10 0 4.641 0.25 0.015
3 10 10 -∞ 5.813 0.531 0.016
3 40 10 8 0.078 0.359 0.016
3 40 10 5 0.485 0.468 <0.001
3 40 10 0 7.672 0.828 0.016
3 40 10 -∞ 6.469 1.203 0.015
3 10 15 13 0.61 1.843 <0.001
3 10 15 10 0.156 1.5 0.016
3 10 15 5 3.422 1.015 0.016
3 10 15 0 246.141 2.422 0.016
3 10 15 -∞ 418.343 3.329 0.015
3 10 20 18 0.781 10.266 0.016
3 10 20 15 1.484 4.219 <0.001
3 10 20 10 6.5 8.391 0.015
3 10 20 5 3304.86 19.297 0.015
3 10 20 -∞ 13948.313 11.437 0.047

n t d d' DOS ADPE ADPD
5 10 30 28 0.016 <0.001 <0.001
5 10 30 25 8.859 0.156 1.047
5 10 30 20 7.969 0.109 0.797
5 10 30 15 8.36 0.203 11.375
5 10 30 10 1.032 0.578 22.843
5 10 30 5 9.125 0.938 53.359
5 10 30 0 8.594 0.578 16.11
5 10 30 -∞ 0.297 0.281 1.329
5 30 30 28 11.609 0.234 10.235
5 30 30 25 8.281 0.266 9.218
5 30 30 20 0.797 6.735 1.968
5 30 30 15 8.203 6.422 1.766
5 30 30 10 33.64 1.563 204.89
5 30 30 5 25.532 8.406 161.515
5 30 30 0 25.172 8.5 163.797
5 30 30 -∞ 16.172 2.922 95.703
5 90 30 28 24.187 6.797 27.61
5 90 30 25 20.688 7 19.14
5 90 30 20 28.562 12.563 19.687
5 90 30 15 55.141 9.281 635.172
5 90 30 10 51.125 11.063 721.812
5 90 30 5 88.125 9.75 807.453
5 90 30 0 79.25 9.875 763.485
5 90 30 -∞ 27.125 7.125 430.672